Rapture Manual Iron Realms Entertainment | Index Conditionally evaluate a block of code. Choose between two alternate and exclusive blocks of code. Get or set whether the given field is indexed. Check for any waiting player input. This is the same as rawinput$, but preceding whitespace has been stripped. Inesrt an integer value in the middle of a vector. Rapture should be installed like any linux application. Often it is useful to create dedicated external programs which are optimized to specific tasks or access functionality that simply isn’t provided by Rapture. The programming language used in Rapture is a proprietary one, designed for use in developing virtual environments and the logic required to operate and maintain them. Use this to obtain the first through fourth bytes representing the user’s connecting IP address. Use this to obtain the first byte of the user’s connecting IP address. Use this to obtain the second byte of the user’s connecting IP address. Use this to obtain the third byte of the user’s connecting IP address. Use this to obtain the fourth byte of the user’s connecting IP address. Adds IP address to max node IP whitelist. Returns the list of whitelisted IP addresses. Remove an IP address from the max node IP whitelist. Join the elements of a vector with a string. Extract the N left-most characters of a string. Return the length (in bytes) of a string. Rapture requires a valid license to run. Computes the natural (base e) logarithm of the provided number. Load a map from a given file (relative to the DataDir config option) replacing the information already in memory. Computes the base-Y logarithm of the provided number. Computes the base-10 logarithm of the provided number. Logical operators perform boolean logic on the values. Make a lowercase copy of a string. Recursively create a directory. Maps are large, two dimensional grids of data. Computes the arc tangent of y/x, determining the quadrant based on signs of the two values. Match a text against a provided regular expression. Similar to match, but returns the matched string and capture groups. Get or set the number of records in the database. Get or set the number of elements in the given field for every record. When verbs are declared, they are entered into a table. Set how many names this object has. Generate a hexadecimal representation of an MD5 hash of the string. Perform the ‘distance’ formula using floating point math. Quickly copy the portion of one memory block into another. Quickly initialize a portion of a memory block. Send an expanded msg’s text directly to a node. Perform a floating point fractional multiplication. Extract a substring. This returns the current minute (0-59). This returns the current month (1-12). What type of object this replica represents. Return the value of an integer raised to a given power. This is the name of a function taking a single string parameter which is designated as the procedure to call when an IPC message is received. Expand the value(s) in a compiled message. Send some text to a node. A floating point implementation of a square root function. MXP is an open MUD communication protocol pioneered by z/CMUD to enhance the communication between MUD servers and clients that support the protocol. The MXP TELNET option has been enabled on this node. MXP commands should be preceded by an ANSI escape sequence to make MXP tags difficult to send by other players. When an MXP message is received from a node, this will be nonempty and will contain the full body of the message, with the MXP control codes stripped. This returns the name used when the map was created (read-only). This is the persona (or character’s) name. Obtain a unique name of the object. Access an individual name of an object. Creates a new map with the given “name”. Return the next record which has a ‘zero’ value for the given field (read-only). Locate the next active player. The node database is what represents connected users in Rapture. Sets the reported IP address for a node. Works the same as a search, but returns the first database entry after that start record that does not match the given value. Sorts the vector using numeric comparison. Determine if a string is solely numeric characters. This database is intended to hold information about ‘objects’ in a game. Precedence determines the order of evaluation for all operators. Operators are what connect various terms of an expression and supply the meaning of each. Return the ASCII value of the first character in the string. Parameters are the values that are given to a procedure so that some operation can be done based on their value. This is an arbitrary persona record attached to this node. This database is used to hold information regarding a character. There is an internal resourced called the player database, however it is not really an actual database. Schedule execution of a player task. Returns the number of ticks until task fire. Search the list of player (node) tasks. The ‘primary’ name for an object. Polymorphism is the ability of something to appear as something else depending on the context in which it is used. Remove an element from the end of a vector and return its value as an integer. Remove an element from the end of a vector and return its value as a string. Find the first occurance of a substring in a string starting at a given position. Here’s a rundown of the directives available to the pre-processor. Before a procedure can be used, it must be declared. Both subroutines and functions (subroutines that return values) are collectively referred as ‘procedures’. Generate a human-readable output of current profiling info. Turn off the internal profiling. Turn on internal profiling of execution. Insert an integer at the end of a vector. Simulate an internal error being thrown. Generate a random value between 1 and the specified limit (inclusive) The entire principle of the Rapture suite is to provide a framework in which a multi-user virtual environment can be easily created while maintaining the utmost in performance. This is set to the input received from a user on a node (after calling input()). Returns the uncompiled, unexpanded message with variable names intact. Change the size of an allocated memory block. The MXP specification also requires that the client be able to send secure messages to the MUD server (most notably for the VERSION and SUPPORT identification commands). Signal Rapture that the game code should be reloaded when next shut down. Replace all instances of one string with another. The replica database is used to represent instantiated objects in the game. Schedule execution of a replica task. Returns the number of ticks until task fire. Search the list of replica tasks. Rapture was developed and designed to run on a POSIX compliant Unix variant such as Linux. Clear out any existing profiling information and begin fresh. Reallocate the map with the given dimensions and initialize every element to 0. Return control (and possibly a value) out of the current procedure. Returns the vector in reversed order. Extract the N right-most characters of a string. Where the replica currently resides. Schedule execution of a room task. Returns the number of ticks until task fire. Search the list of room tasks. Release all statement handles and any extra internal data. Establish a connection to a database. Get information about an existing connection. Return the description of the last error. Execute an SQL command. Fetch the data for a single row of the result set. Fetch the data for a single row of the result set and copy the values into a vector. Return the numeric id of the last record inserted if that id was auto-generated by the system. Return the number of rows in a result set. Verify a database connection is active and working. Prepare a new statement for execution. Set the parameter value for a prepared query. Release all resources associated with a query. Get the data from the currently fetched row. Advance the result set cursor to an exact row. |